在冰球突破的儿科协会工作, 冰球突破为婴儿提供全面护理, 孩子们, 和青少年, 地点在约克和威尔斯. We pride ourselves on the quality of our care and unrivaled personalized attention. Our patients and families also benefit from the latest medical technological advances, 儿科治疗, along with gentle and positive care and 支持 from everyone on our staff. We strive to ensure your years with us are as healthy and enjoyable as possible.
Enjoy comprehensive care with our pediatric experts.
冰球突破提供的服务包括例行访问, 免疫接种, 运动和营地体育, 还有听力和视力检查. You can call us when your child is ill — including for unexpected, same day appointment needs and care for minor illnesses and injuries.
Our team also offers expertise in developmental and emotional care, along with management of chronic issues like asthma, 行为问题, 糖尿病, 和更多的. 不管你来的原因是什么, our 供应商 will work with you and your family to make sure you receive optimal care and the information and answers you need to keep your child healthy. Special 服务 we provide include ear piercing 服务 and same day appointments!
Recognized by the NCQA Patient-Centered Medical 首页 Program
Pediatric Associates has been awarded recognition by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Patient-Centered Medical 首页 Program. 这些标准强调系统的使用, 以病人为中心, 支持可及性的协调护理, 沟通, and patient involvement to build better relationships between patients and their clinical care teams. NCQA, 一个私人, non-profit organization dedicated to improving health care quality, accredits and certifies a wide range of health care organizations.